Monday, December 11, 2017

Pastel Pencil Portrait

Pastel Pencil Portrait 

Here is my pastel Pencil portrait. Looking at it now, I can see all the things that I could still fix: brighten and blend the hands and the leaf. The chin still needs a bit of work too. Oh well, maybe sometime a while from now I can come back and work on it with fresh eyes. Sometimes, we just have to leave items it is and just learn from it in the future. I think I would like to come back to it sometime though if I can. ;). I enjoyed this lesson a lot! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

3 Works: Breadths (?)

3 Breadths: Bottles, Skeleton, & Photo 

Breadth # 1 - Watercolor Bottles: 

This is the water color bottles I did last year. It was a very fun and nice project. I love how it is more tie-dye esque while still maintaining a unique look.

Breadth # 2 - Skeleton: 

This is also a project from last year, a very nice and easy-paced oil pastel portrait of a skeleton. The tricky thing about the skeletons is conveying their 3D shape. They have difficult curves and often times it is difficult to show the other ribs that round in the back of the skeleton. 

Photo- A Portrait Through Kitty's Eyes 

In the same vein, but a different cat, here is a photo that has a similar feel to the above (cat) photos...

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Concentration: (Experimental Stage) Assignment (Due 10/31)

Concentration: The 4 Loves

Here is a previously edited photo with a filter on it, and "philia" meaning "brotherly love," added onto it. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Oil Paint Hammer & NEW GLAZED Oil Hammer

Oil Paint Hammer 

    In class, we did this oil paint hammer in B & W. I will most likely come back to it later and touch up some things, like the head (around the back end of the head) and the handle a bit more to fix the highlight to make it more natural. It was a grueling lesson, but oil paint was fun.
B & W Hammer in oil, C.B.C. 10/3/2017
Glazed Hammer in oil, C.B.C. 12/12/17
Here is my recent update: we had to glaze our hammer. The line is still somewhat see-able and the shadow behind the hammer on the left side kind of got (or completely) washed out because of the intensity of the blue paint. Though the hammer's handle itself I like, the color didn't come out toooo terribly strong. 
All in all, I feel like now that I've done oil before (and glazing), I could probably do it again and would do better. I am not that happy with how mine turned out, but I suppose it could be worse... I think oil is fun once you get acquainted with it... Even still, I think I've improved so much. It's like getting better in "art" is like wearing helpful glasses. You weren't able to see as clearly before, because you didn't know how to look, or what to look for. Now that you have adjusted to the glasses, your sight is actually better, and you can see things you never saw before. In that respect, I think just being able to look at something, (like my hammer) and seeing something is off, but then actually being able to identify why that thing is off is a major improvement. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Semi Blind Contour

Semi-Blind Contour 

Here's the semi-blind contour from last week's art: 

This is the unfinished picture (without a touch up or background).

Monday, August 28, 2017

A Summer of Art

Hey!! It's Carly, a.k.a. Little Artist Things.

I had a lot of fun relaxing this summer and experimenting with art. For my art class, we had to do some summer assignments but I had a lot of fun doing them!

So, as part of my homework, I'm supposed to show off some of my work! Here are the top 3 things I created!

3. December Sky
Here's a photo I took December 2015. I put a filter on it and I loved the eerie glaze and mysterious feeling it emanates.

2. Elevate 
Here's a picture I took not this summer, but summer 2016 when my family was on their way to New York. The first time I was on a plane- I was 5 and all I remember was a Disney Princess coloring book. So, needless to say, I was excited and scared for my first real plane ride! I absolutely adored the feeling of being "up in the clouds", and my camera definitely took advantage of it!

1. Shadow of A Cloud
I tried to be clever with the title of this one and fear I failed miserably.
Oh well! I wanted to stay consistent in the post with the theme of nature. I went to Fort Davis, Texas this summer with my cousin and grandparents and loved the atmosphere in the mountains. I wouldn't say quiet- no, that's not the way I would describe it. I would say- calm, and undisturbed. Of course, Fort Davis gets plenty of trashy tourists year round, but it seems to be well-maintained and preserved. It's not something that really feels like a time warp per se, but, rather, more "outside of time". I guess I would say some of my photos make me think of Salvador Dali, but rather than the "Persistence of Memory", it's more of a persistence of time, and the beauty of nature goes on despite time. Instead of a warped reality, reality is made clearer in the reflection of nature, and the observance of beauty in God's creation. 

Alright then- until next time! 
Carly ♡